• Publikováno 15.09.2024 • zhlédnuto 529x
Despite the health complications in the team, which resulted in the interruption of the planned preparation for the World Championship, we finally accepted the offer and help from Zdenek Grómán and his team Hagemann. Without their approach, we wouldn´t be able to start at the Word Championship.
We would like to thank his team Hagemann for their perfectly prepared technique and valuable advice. We would also like to thank Macháč Motors for the engines that really flew at the World Championship, otherwise Matyas would not have been able to set the second fastest time of the race in his final race on old tyres.
When we look at the placing, we have to admit that we had higher expectations. Unfortunately, the draw and the redistribution of the groups didn't play into our hands, but the 11th place in the qualifying group in the morning on a slick track wasn't so bad. Unfortunately, if you don't finish two races at a championship like this, that's the end of any reasonable placing.
Unfortunately it didn't work out for us and Maty was in two uncaused crashes. In one, a competitor failed to make the run into the chicane for the finish and totally canceled the kart against the barrier in front of Maty and because there was no room for two karts, he took Maty with him. Even though it didn't look like it, it was a big blow until the airbox cracked, the chassis bent, the rear axle and a few other little things. Maty didn't admit it, but as his body played with the paint, it took its toll on him in the next race. The second blow was in the second sharp tourn where right after start into a trafic trying to be on the inside of the corners the front 3 did each other in and the others five pilots got on his back and piled into those in front of them. He struggled for a long time trying to pull the car out, start it and drive away. Unfortunately the drivers who caused the accident were not interested in continuing. By the time Maty had thrown their kart off his to fish it out, the front of the race had closed in on them and the Stewards made it impossible for him to start and drive away for safety reasons.
So we're not happy with the results, but otherwise we're happy.
The track was giving the drivers a lot of trouble, but otherwise great. We are ahead in time, but the most important task is to put an uncompromising end to the eternal unpunished hammering. We've just got to get the correct behaviour out of his head. Otherwise, we have a lot of lessons from the World Championship on how to direct further preparation.
Despite the health complications in the team, which resulted in the interruption of the planned preparation for the World Championship, we finally accepted the offer and help from Zdenek Grómán and his team Hagemann. Without their approach, we wouldn´t be able to start at the Word Championship.
We would like to thank his team Hagemann for their perfectly prepared technique and valuable advice. We would also like to thank Macháč Motors for the engines that really flew at the World Championship, otherwise Matyas would not have been able to set the second fastest time of the race in his final race on old tyres.
When we look at the placing, we have to admit that we had higher expectations. Unfortunately, the draw and the redistribution of the groups didn't play into our hands, but the 11th place in the qualifying group in the morning on a slick track wasn't so bad. Unfortunately, if you don't finish two races at a championship like this, that's the end of any reasonable placing.
Unfortunately it didn't work out for us and Maty was in two uncaused crashes. In one, a competitor failed to make the run into the chicane for the finish and totally canceled the kart against the barrier in front of Maty and because there was no room for two karts, he took Maty with him. Even though it didn't look like it, it was a big blow until the airbox cracked, the chassis bent, the rear axle and a few other little things. Maty didn't admit it, but as his body played with the paint, it took its toll on him in the next race. The second blow was in the second sharp tourn where right after start into a trafic trying to be on the inside of the corners the front 3 did each other in and the others five pilots got on his back and piled into those in front of them. He struggled for a long time trying to pull the car out, start it and drive away. Unfortunately the drivers who caused the accident were not interested in continuing. By the time Maty had thrown their kart off his to fish it out, the front of the race had closed in on them and the Stewards made it impossible for him to start and drive away for safety reasons.
So we're not happy with the results, but otherwise we're happy.
The track was giving the drivers a lot of trouble, but otherwise great. We are ahead in time, but the most important task is to put an uncompromising end to the eternal unpunished hammering. We've just got to get the correct behaviour out of his head. Otherwise, we have a lot of lessons from the World Championship on how to direct further preparation.
I přes zdravotní komplikace v týmu, které měli za následek přerušení plánované přípravy na Mistrovství Světa. Na konec jsme přijali nabídku a pomoc, od Zdenka Grómána a jeho teamu Hagemann. Bez jejich přístupu bychom start na Word Championship nedali.
Tímto děkujeme a jeho týmu Hagemann za perfektně připravenou techniku a i cenné rady. Dále poděkování Machač Motors za motory, ty nám opravdu na MS letěli, jinak by Matyas nemohl ve své závěrečné rozjížďce na starých pneumatikách, zajet druhý nejrychlejší čas závodu.
Když se podíváme na umístnění, tak si musíme přiznat, že jsme měli větší očekávání. Bohužel nalosováni a přerozdělení skupin nám do karet moc nehrálo, ale ok 11 místo v kvalifikaci ve skupině hned ráno na oslizlé trati nebylo zas tak marný. Bohužel pokud na takovém šampionátu nedojedete dvě rozjížďky je konec s nějakému rozumnému umístněním.
Bohužel se nám to nevyhnulo a Maty byl ve dvou nezaviněných nehodách. V jedné konkurent nezvládl nájezd do šikany na cílovku a před Matym zrušil na totálku motokáru o barieru a protože tam nebylo místo na dvě káry vzal sebou i Matyho, i když to tak nevypadalo tak to, byla to velká rána až praskl airbox, ohnutý podvozek, zadní osa a pár dalších drobností. Maty to nepřiznal, ale jak jeho tělo hrálo barvami, tak to na něm v následující rozjížďce následek zanechalo. Druhá rána v byla v druhém vracáku, kde hned po staru, když jedou v trafiku se snahou být na vnitřku zatáček se předním 3 vzájemně udělali a dalších pět pilotů mu najelo na záda a nahrnuli do těch před sebou. Dlouho bojoval a snažil se káru vytáhnout nastartovat a odjet… Bohužel ty jabloně co nehodu způsobili neměli zájem pokračovat. A než Maty odházel jejich motokáry ze své, aby ji vydoloval čelo závodu se k nim přiblížilo a Stewardi mu z bezpečnostního hlediska nastartovat a odjet znemožnili.
S výsledkem tedy spokojený nejsme, ale jinak jsme s pokojený, trať dávala pilotům hodně do těla, ale jinak super. Časově jsme v popředí, ale nejdůležitější úkol je nekompromisně ukončit věčné beztrestné otloukání. Musíme mu prostě z hlavy vytlouct korektní chování. Jinak ale máme z WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP hodně poznatků celkového poučení jak nasměrovat další přípravu.